Rukundo Moses is the papa of one of the families we work with here in Rwanda. There are five children in the home that he is currently responsible for: one in secondary school (Muhoza Christophe) and four in primary school. Moses is trained in plumbing and is able to occasionally find part-time jobs to earn some income though it is often not enough to cover the expenses of rent and food for the family. Being a single parent causes some additional struggles as Moses can’t be away from home for long periods of time even if some plumbing jobs are available.

This family rents a home with two bedrooms and a sitting area, tucked into the side of one of the hills with a beautiful view of the valley and hills beyond. Without an indoor kitchen, most of the cooking happens outside (unless it is raining or night time). The children are helpful with many of the household chores as well as focusing on their schoolwork.

When asked about his dream for the future, Moses responded “for the kids to keep studying and reach a different place in their future”. He has great hope for this! As we continue to partner with this family, it is a gift to be able to encourage Moses and be a part of the work that he is doing to accomplish this dream for his family.

Thank you for joining us in making dreams in Rwanda come true!

Hannah Ingram
Program Director