Turatsinze Joseph

Date of Birth:  January 1, 2000

Favorite Subjects: Science, Kinyarwanda, and English

Favorite Food: Potatoes (boiled and fried)

Favorite Sport: Basketball

Did you play basketball at your primary school?  Yes, I love it.

You are very tall, does that help?  Yes, it helps me. (smile)

How do you feel about your national exams for Primary 6 and now waiting to begin Secondary 1?  I feel I did well.

What subject do you feel you like the least?  Math

You are 16 years old now. What do you think about when you think about your future?  To continue to finish my studies.

What about after your studies? What do you think you want to do?  Look for a job

I want you to have you take a moment to think with your heart. What are you passionate about to think about?  I am passionate to look for a job to help my family because of the situation we live in.

The concerns of your family, is that something you constantly think about?  Yes.

So the concerns of your family is basically what you are concerned with on a daily basis?  My dream would be able to build a house for my family.

With trying to get a job, what do you think you would desire to do?  I would like to be a doctor.

Why a doctor?  Because I see so many people including myself being sick. If I am a doctor, I can help people.

If you desire to pursue this you will need to concentrate more on your studies as your grades are low in the areas needed.  I will work hard.

What is your greatest challenge at home?  We do not have a place to stay.

Where do you stay now?  It is a house that is not completed. They are letting us stay in it.

Does your Mom and Dad work?  My dad tries part-time jobs. My mom helps watch two small children at the house.

Do you have electricity?  No.

What makes you happy?  When I get something to eat.

What makes you sad?  When I see my parents (dad) not able to provide.